Just a few rambling thoughts and crafts from a mind that is full of both. I am talented in my mind but regularly run full throttle into the wall of procrastination. I have raised procrastination to an art form. A friend once told me I have a BS in BS and a minor in excuse making. If there is anyway to get out of doing my best, I will do my best to get out of it. Welcome to my saburban life. : ).. Lol.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Milo's toenail diagnosis..
Our vet kindly joked with me and asked why I keep breaking Milo's toenails. Lol. What can I say? That puppy loves chasing squirrels and cats and birds that are all smart enough to stay on the other side of our fence. : ).. Milo runs with abandon and without a thought to his own safety, which is why I love our fenced in back yard. It's huge so he and Emmy can gleefully run and play and have lots of fun. But, that being said, Milo has yet another toenail broken off at the quick. Good news though, we knew what to look for this time so he's not having to deal with it for almost three weeks like last time. He's going back under anesthesia shortly and Dr. Swoope's going to also trim the other nails while he's out so we might avoid having to do this again. Poor little guy. Still just as happy as ever. My little trooper. : )..
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I know what I'm going to be doin.. : )..
Yay! Just got this sweet little Passport Journal in the mail on Saturday.
The Missouri Wine Organization has a winery tour deal going right now. Every Missouri Winery that participates has a stamp and a passport number that earns a visitor rewards. They range from a wine opener to an apron, to a neoprene carrier and then progresses up to a wine tasting party for 10 people at a winery of our choice. : ).. Hmm. Guess I'm going to be kinda busy for a bit. Awesome. Although I went to a wedding last night and they had some delicious (!!!) Franzia boxed red wine that was soooo good. I am a wine spritzer fan, so I won't tell the wineries I visit that I add a little Sprite / 7up-ish soda to their wines. Lol, I'm sure that's a faux pas that would make them take my stamp back. Ha! Soda?! In our wine?! Nevah! No more soda in our wines! Ok, that's my Joan Crawford imitation for the day. On to the wine country for us! We have one in Weston, MO, just a hop, skip and a jump from us.
By the way, here's one of the best cabinets in our house. Lol. It's our liquor cabinet. Not that we drink a lot, but it's there when we are ready!
I sound like a lush now.. Don't I? : )..
Milo's hurt again.. : (..
We think he must have broken another toenail, this time on his back, right foot. Poor little guy. It happened this afternoon as he was enthusiastically running around outside. Not sure why he's having this problem, although when he plays, he plays hard. Going to call our vet asap in the morning and get him in pronto this time. He's still walking on it at times, but he's holding it up everyonce in a while. : (.. Poor wittle baby! He's going to run out of toenails eventually. This time, while the doctor has him knocked out, I am going to have them trim his other nails down so he has less of a chance to get hurt again. We went out for lunch and brought him some more squeaky toys to make up for his pain. Lol. He's a trooper though! Still playing and happy as ever. : )..
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
Yay! We are fixed again. : )..
Yay.. Modem issue has been resolved.. Yay.. : ).. Whew.. Our modem seems to go out more than we do, but that's a whole 'nother story. Lol. But! Hey! It's fixed again. I am back online and off my iphone. Whew. Here are some great pics to celebrate! Yayayayayay! And the Cardinals staved off losing the World Series in the 11th inning last night to stretch the series to the 7th game. Go Cardinals!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Home modem issues again...
Soo, here's some co-worker fun instead..
Spoke to Clodia.
replaced bedroom bacteries.
Spoke to Jarry.
and finally.. Heat dector.
Spoke to Clodia.
replaced bedroom bacteries.
Spoke to Jarry.
and finally.. Heat dector.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Rut Rohh..
The Cardinals are now down 3 games to 2 in the best of 7 series. It's not looking good for them. At least they will be back in St. Louis for the next game on Wednesday night. This series was pretty evenly matched, but I think that Texas might have gotten a little peeved after the 16-7 loss Saturday night. C'mon Cardinals! : ).. We need a little (lot) more of this..
And a whole lotta, lotta, lotta more of this..
Let's go Cardinals!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Missouri Winery Tours.. Hmm.. Ohhh yeah..
My friend and I used to go to Hermann, MO to the wineries that spread out over the area. Hermann is a major winery hub, I can't even remember how many there are. We used to go to Adam Puchta, which had some great, fruity wines that we enjoyed.
My husband and I went to Oktoberfest for our honeymoon several years ago (and, yup, that means we just had our 12th anniversary last weekend) with some of our friends who drove down there to meet us. Here's a picture of all of us at the Hermannhoff Winery, sitting on the hill, enjoying a little bread, wine and cheese. : )..
Good Food * Good Wine * Good Friends..
Now, my friend has found some new locales to check out. Hmm. We used to go to the Lake of the Ozarks a lot, and she used to live and work there for a bit. Here's one that I would love to check out.. It's a winery called "Casa de loco". Looks great! : )..
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A day off.. Yay.. : )..
A whole day to do nothing.. Nada.. Bumpkiss.. Zip.. Whew. Sooo nice.. Snuggled with the pups and watched tv.. That's my kinda day.. : )..

Relaxing and watching the slugfest.. Ohh, wait, that's the World Series Game Three.. Wow.. Go Cards!! Pujols! Mista Octoba!! Awesome!! : )..
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
The World Series..
I grew up on the St. Louis Cardinal side of Missouri in a small town called Fulton. I used to be a die hard Cards fan but kind of burned out on baseball for a while. It's back full force with this World Series though. Even though they didn't win tonight, it's been a great series so far! : ).. Great pitching, a little controversy over the 2nd out in the 9th during the first game, but so far, it's been an awesome match up. Looking forward to the rest of the series. Go Cardinals!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday Fun..
Whew, doing some early in/early out days the rest of this week since they are doing carpet cleaning and it has such a strong chemical smell. Worked late last night and then early this mornin, so my brain is fried for now. : ).. One day down, three to go.....
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday Shake..
I love having a milkshake maker. : ).. And no, there were no boys that came to my yard. Seriously, my milkshake maker has definitely paid for itself. A little ice cream, a little caramel syrup this time, a little milk, stir it up and voila. Yummy. Love it.
I love a little malt in my shake, but we hadn't looked at our malt in a while. Lol. It was a huge lump that was impossible to work with. That's ok though, a super ez, super yummy caramel shake sure hit the spot! Awesome...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Enciendo mi fuego... Por favor!
Umm.. K.. Soo.. Yeah.. Today? We were at QuikTrip.. Getting a little iced refreshment.. And what do my wandering eyes happen to see? A few of these.. Lol.. Sorry for the blurry shot.. : ).. Lol.. I was trying to be as discreet as I could while takin a picture..
Which.. Reminds me of this old post entry from around the beginning of my blog.. Lol.. It's worth revisiting on an awesome day such as this one... Oooh yeah..
Here it is..
Sooo. : ).. Yeah.. Kinda havin a bit of a Backdraft moment here. Umm. Yeah. Drove past a group of on-duty firefighters at Quiktrip who were headed back to their trucks after purchasing themselves (I'd have bought them all a round!) cool, refreshing fountain sodas. I wish I'd had my camera. Yeah. It was a sight to behold. I had the crazy, overwhelming urge to become a firebug.. or.. woozy.. Lol. I had a flashback to the training assistant day at work where a co-worker felt a little faint and some of the lady trainees and I almost joined her after looking up to see four or five firemen striding confidentally through the call center floor to her rescue and our.. deep admiration! Whew. Is it hot in here or am I havin a hot flash? Yeah.. Sooo. Uhh.. Umm.. What was I talkin about? Oh! Yeah.. Umm hmm.. Whew.. Yeah.. Men.. In.. Uniform.. Umm.. Thanks guys? : )..
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Milo's first birthday present.. Lol.
Lol, just kidding. We took the pups for a ride, stopped at PetSmart where they got to play with some other puppies, and get some toys and treats. Milo loves the little squeaky things inside toys, so we just buy him the actual replacement squeaky parts instead of the actual stuffed toy. Emmy got another purple, spiky ball that she loves. She's had two others that finally got torn up. She found the first one back when we were busy trying to find a good squeaky toy that she might like.. We weren't having any luck, when we looked down to see her rolling around on the floor, rubbing against the spikes on the ball, just having a blast. Lol. Guess we should leave the puppy toy picking to the expert. : ).. Up next for the birthday boy? A little bit of vanilla ice cream.... Woot!
Btw, we had to buy a new fridge because our side by side finally gave out. We have such a small space, so we just went with a regular fridge without an ice maker, which is fine, we plan on getting one of these little sweeties..
It's a stand alone ice maker. Pretty cool if ya ask me. : )..
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