
Just a few rambling thoughts and crafts from a mind that is full of both. I am talented in my mind but regularly run full throttle into the wall of procrastination. I have raised procrastination to an art form. A friend once told me I have a BS in BS and a minor in excuse making. If there is anyway to get out of doing my best, I will do my best to get out of it. Welcome to my saburban life. : ).. Lol.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

7 months away and things have changed a lot!

It's been crazy busy the last 7 months.
New Years.
A few re-openings.
I'm an "essential (peon) employee"
but it's funny how low the totem pole
people are the actual ones who keep the
business running.
Those above?
They couldn't have done the work us
lowly peons have done at all!
Then there were Murder Hornets.
Talk of the 17 year Locusts this year.
A horrid death in Minneapolis that we ALL
agree was unjustified and unacceptable.
Don't get me started on all the political stuff.
Work.  Work.  Work.
Milo and Fergus.
Milo and Fergus.
Milo and Fergus.
Fergus with a double ear infection who had to go
to the vet several times for treatments
that finally have worked and he's
all better now.
Milo and Fergus versus several Paper Mulberry
trees and now "bushes" after the trees
were cut down.  If anyone has ever encountered these
Paper Mulberry trees!!  Ohhhh!  They are just as bad or worse
as any Poison Oak or Poison Ivy and it makes them
itch just as bad!  They are miserable even if I spray them with an
anti-itch spray, or give them part of a Benadryl at night.
Those trees aren't a joke at all!  I was itching just trying to rake the
leaves up and dispose of them last fall.  They alllll fell off at
the same exact time and fanned out all around our little clump of
trees that grew up in the backyard.
Coin Shortages.
Don't get me started on the whole Wayfair and
Chrissy Teigen deal either.
I will say - deleting thousands of tweets made over
several years does NOT make one look guilty..  Does it?
Don't Google "Pizza" OR "Ranch Dressing" if you
don't want to know.

But don't worry folks.
She was just joking.
Or was hacked for 11 years.
Her kids need to be removed IMMEDIATELY
and she needs to be investigated thoroughly!!
Nothing to see here folks.
Just move along.
It's just a revenge / conspiracy theory.
And finally - changes to Blogger.
It took a LONG time to figure out how to created a
new post.  They changed the format and layout.
But I am back.
For a bit.
Until next time.
Keep your eyes and ears and mouths open!
Children need you and me to be their voices!!

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