
Just a few rambling thoughts and crafts from a mind that is full of both. I am talented in my mind but regularly run full throttle into the wall of procrastination. I have raised procrastination to an art form. A friend once told me I have a BS in BS and a minor in excuse making. If there is anyway to get out of doing my best, I will do my best to get out of it. Welcome to my saburban life. : ).. Lol.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Long day.. Whew..

Only worked one shift, had dinner out, watched part of the Republican debate through the backs of my eyelids and haven't done much else.  Puppies are sacked out, snuggling together and think that it's about time that I do the same.  Still got my project to work on, but think that the backs of my eyelids are winning.  Here are some cute pics to end the night with.....  : )..

Until tomorrow..  Peaceful slumbers..


  1. This is too much cute for one post! Darling!

    Hope you got a good night's sleep.

  2. I'm tellin ya. Those last two were way too cute! Lol. I got a pretty good amount of sleep but am definitely ready for some more soon!
