
Just a few rambling thoughts and crafts from a mind that is full of both. I am talented in my mind but regularly run full throttle into the wall of procrastination. I have raised procrastination to an art form. A friend once told me I have a BS in BS and a minor in excuse making. If there is anyway to get out of doing my best, I will do my best to get out of it. Welcome to my saburban life. : ).. Lol.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Pinterest can wait today.. : )..

I decided the puppies were right!
Pinterest could wait!
Sooo nice..  Sitting outside in shorts
and a short sleeved shirt..
In the middle of January..
Really?  Realllly.  : )..

Can you tell what Milo's favorite toy is?
It's half of an alligator.  Lol.
I would say that we let the stink
blow off the puppies, but they
both found something questionable
to roll in..  Ha!
The puppies were definitely right.
Pinterest schminterest.
I'm addicted to warm weather.


  1. I love warm weather too but I really love winter. We don't have hardly any snow...sometimes none and our winters are mild but I love cold days, sweaters, and the fireplace!

  2. I'm not much of a cold weather fan, so this was definitely a treat for me. : ).. We haven't had much snow here this year, it's been a mild winter so far. We did end up with 20 inches of snow one day last February. Sounds like I would love your winter weather!

  3. Glad you are enjoying it while you've got it! :)

    1. I definitely was out there enjoying it. : ).. The temps dropped into the teens that night. Brrr. Supposed to be cold for the next few days. Lol.
