
Just a few rambling thoughts and crafts from a mind that is full of both. I am talented in my mind but regularly run full throttle into the wall of procrastination. I have raised procrastination to an art form. A friend once told me I have a BS in BS and a minor in excuse making. If there is anyway to get out of doing my best, I will do my best to get out of it. Welcome to my saburban life. : ).. Lol.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Soo, the past few days I have been sleeping like a zombie.  Really.  It's not that I don't still wake up, but I feel like I'm still drugged from the cough syrup from before.  Lol.  I took one regular dose one time since Friday night and I'm tellin ya, I don't know that I've come out of it.  I did start taking a generic Mucinex, but I've only had a couple of those.  They seem to have worked really well, my cough is almost totally gone.  I think it's purely psychological.  I only cough if I think about the fact that I'm not coughing.  : )..

Milo has gotten up a few times at night.  It's not that he has to go outside, but he thinks he needs to go out to make sure his family is safe and nothing is creeping up in our yard to get us.  Cute.  Not quite so cute at 2 or 3am every night.  Whew.  Add to that, Emmy has always been..  Lemme say, cranky when she gets moved once she has settled down into a comfy spot.  If I move and it moves her, she growls and snarls.  Milo has gone an extra step the past few nights.  He has decided his best, optimal sleeping spot is either on my pillow against my head or at my feet.  When he's at my feet, woe be me if I move.  He has bitten at my feet which are still under a pretty thick comforter.  Lol.  Not quite so cute.  At any hour of the night. 

Soo, here I sit this morning.  DH had to get up fairly early.  He got his lunch packed up that I made last night.  Every time he moved around the house, a cat moved with him and then two dogs would go completely insane, barking at the cats, and then each other.  I would move and get attacked by the dogs.  Lol.  This makes me a very sleepy zombie this mornin.  Ugh.  Can we have just one more weekend day?  Please? 

I should be working for the State of Missouri still.  Sheesh.  Today is a holiday.  Yup.  Lincoln's Birthday.  The support staff is off.  And they will be off work again next Monday.  Really?  Dang.  Ugh.  Us?  Nope.  It's a workday.  Awesome.  Lol.  Should be interesting.  I'll be sitting in front of my computer with my mouth hanging open and my tongue sticking out.  I'll probably be doing my work through the back of my eyelids.  It kinda feels like this...

I might try and find a Starbucks on my way to work and grab a Grande Espresso.
Or a case.  Or two.  : p..

One good thing, I have a really cute idea for a Valentine's Day craft.
I'm going to try and get myself moving soon so that I can stop by the store
before work and pick up my supplies.
Oh..  And it snowed today..  Our "biggest" snowfall of the year.
It's a "Winter Blast"!  Wooo.  How much snow?  Umm.
About one to two inches.  Ha!  You would think that it was the 20+ blizzard
that hit last year.  Schools are closed.  Kids are home.  Dang.
I need a snow day.  Sigh.  Alrighty.  I'm not getting any where sitting here.  Am I?
Let's get this day started.


  1. Oh how I can relate to go and the snarly dog in the middle of the night. With a king sized bed, my dog always hogs where I put my feet and gets mad when I move them! ha! I do feel badly for you as you had an extra rough go of it!

    1. Lol, your dog is bigger than both of mine so I can imagine the room Max would take up. : ).. We have a queen sized bed, but it never seems to be enough room with both of them added and a cat that used to sleep up there. Milo doesn't think it's cat territory though so he has to chase him off until he forgets and lets our cat back up there. Lol. I actually woke up on the ride to work, and I guess our Jackwagon (Subaru) does get along fairly well in the snow. Yay. I made it through the day pretty well.
