
Just a few rambling thoughts and crafts from a mind that is full of both. I am talented in my mind but regularly run full throttle into the wall of procrastination. I have raised procrastination to an art form. A friend once told me I have a BS in BS and a minor in excuse making. If there is anyway to get out of doing my best, I will do my best to get out of it. Welcome to my saburban life. : ).. Lol.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Feelin better already.. : )..

Alrighty, soo, after only three full days of eating healthy, I can already tell a difference.  My stomach feels a little tighter, almost like I'm sucking it in and yesterday, we had a couple QA managers from others centers who brought us donuts.  Yeah.  Alright.  One of those bad boys was calling my name, so, I HAD to get rid of it.  Lol.  I didn't have any other choice.  Ya know?  I could tell a difference though, I kinda felt a little "blah" after that.  Soo, is there really something to this healthy eating, lifestyle change that I have started?  I'm giving it a big thumbs up! 

ADT started running weight loss programs continually for the past couple years, and although I watched what I ate, how much I ate, I got NO results in the three weeks that I participated.  I finally got frustrated and decided, the heck with that!  Really?  Stuck with it that long and got nuttin?  Sheesh.  What was the use?  Ahhh.  I see.  I was still eating the wrong things.  Oooh.  Really?  Hmm.  I get it now! 

Three full days and I can already tell that I've had results.  Three days.  Tuesday.  Wednesday.  Thursday.  Three.  Yeah.  That's 3.  Not four yet.  I'm working on that one.  I can already tell a difference in JUST three days, when I struggled for three weeks and got nowhere.  It might be a fluke, it might be purely psychological, but lemme tell ya!  If it is?  Bring it on!  I love knowing that in three short days, there has already been a change.

I won't say that the donut (who kept peeking around the cubicle and tapping me on the shoulder, while calling my name - see!!  I really DID have to do something about him!) was my only transgression that occured from the No! No! list. I did have two pieces of bread, a bagel, some frozen peas, carrots and corn from a bag, and 2% milk instead of whole milk.  I have successfully avoided soda, including last night when my dh, Dutch, brought home three different 12 packs of diet soda no less!  I drank water. 

I have successfully avoided potato chips!  Including my absolute favorite, the dark chips.  You know the ones.  You buy an occasional bag of chips, and there are ones that are just a little browner than the rest?  I love them.  Don't really know if they have a different taste for sure, but they seem like they do.  Must be something to that, there have been two different chip companies that have a dark chip variety!  Lol.  But!  I digress!  I haven't had ONE little chip!  Not one.  Oooh, lemme tell ya.  They were yelling at me too.  Calling my name.  JAN!!  C'mon Jan!  You know you want just ONE little potato chip!  Just one!  Right?  That wouldn't hurtcha, would it?!  Ha!  I closed the bag.  Put the chip clip on it.  Don't hear them now.  : )..  Ha!

I'm not saying that I don't have alternatives to potato chips.  There are some veggie straws that I love, Sam's Club sells a HUGE bag, but we don't have a membership.  Thought that I might have to stand outside the club, like young kids do outside a liquor store and beg someone to buy some for me.  Lol.  One of my co-workers bought me a bag a few months ago.  Yummy.  Now?  Ha!  I found out that a couple of our regular grocery stores carry them in their organic department.  But! I think some of those ingredients are on the No! No! list as well.  : (..

I can always make some out of sweet potatoes, but by gosh, I usually only have a few minutes of computer time per day because I'm usually so sluggish and don't want to wake up (Hey!  That's another change, I've had more energy in the mornings now!  Wow.) until the last minute, where I have to let the dogs out (who let the dogs out?  Woof, woof, woof, woof!), fix a quick breakfast, get ready for work and then run out the door, so I know that I haven't had the time or the chance to really sit down and make some sweet tater chips yet.  Might make up a few batches this weekend though.  Hmm..  Sweet tater chips.  Yummy!

All in all, if I can feel better, if I can feel a difference, if I can have more energy in just three little short days?  Imagine what 30 of them will do!  Count me in!  Let's get this party started!  : )..

I felt so motivated by my "possibly perceived" results, this morning, I had two eggs, some ham and some red pepper slices.  No bread.  Ok.  A glass of 2% milk.  But still!  I feel better, I feel motivated, I feel results!  Fast.  Heck.  Super fast!  This is super duper easy!
Easy peasy!  Just the way I like things to be.  : )..  Awesome!
Ya, ya!


  1. Don't you just hate those pesky foods that seem to call your name at every turn?
    Keep up the good work.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. I'm tellin ya! Lol. That's ok, the way I feel this morning will shut those foods up real quick. Just keep on yapping foods, talk to the hand because the brain, mouth and tummy aren't listening anymore! Ha! : ).. Thanks Tina! Hope you have a great weekend too!
